All over the world, the consumption of food packaging has taken on disproportionate proportions. Although an eco-responsible trend emerged several years ago, many products found in supermarkets are still protected by single-use packaging and sometimes difficult to recycle. There is no need to explain the disastrous consequences this phenomenon can have on the environment. But the problem of packaging must also be analysed from a health point of view, since some packagings can contaminate the food they are trying to protect. In Switzerland, the Federal Foot Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO) is responsible for measuring and evaluating packaging consumption. The federal department currently uses forms for this purpose, but this task is tedious. The idea of this project was therefore to see whether a chatbot could prove to be a viable alternative to this process. After analysing the literature on chatbots and food packaging, a web application was developed. On it, the user can exchange with a chatbot who will interrogate him about his purchases by asking him to describe his shopping list, product by product. To do this, the user must enter the name of the product, the quantity purchased, the packagings used, the category of the product and the ecological rating he wishes to give it. This process can be done either textually or by scanning the product’s barcode. After each product description, statistics on consumption habits are updated, thus providing an overview and making the user aware of the impact of the packagings. The tests and evaluations carried out showed that the chatbot fulfilled its role well as it obtained a Chatbot Usability Questionnaire (CUQ) score of more than 70%. However, there are still points that should be improved before considering using it in a real context. Indeed, the chatbot still has difficulty understanding descriptions of certain exotic foods or working with units of measurement such as grams or liters.